Top OUI Drugs Lawyer Westborough Wins Again: NOT GUILTY: In Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Defendant, Docket No. 2266 CR 1594, after trial, my client was found NOT GUILTY of Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Drugs (OUID) and NOT GUILTY of THREE Counts of Assault & Battery on a Police Officer*. It is difficult for the Prosecution to prove these charges at trial without a drug test of blood and expert testimony to interpret those tests before a jury. At a minimum the Commonwealth would need to present: (1) reliable evidence as to the amount or concentration of the drug in the defendant’s system; and (2) expert testimony indicating that the concentration of the drug in the defendant’s system would impair his or her ability to operate a motor vehicle. No Such evidence exists in most OUID cased. The police officer IS NOT AN EXPERT. Hire an OUID lawyer with experience and a thorough understanding of the OUI Drugs law in Massachusetts and what the Prosecution must do to prove these crimes.